Panchakarma Treatment
Panchakarma is Sanskrit word , mean “five action” or “five
treatment”. A process that cleans the body of residual toxic materials left by
disease and builds immunity against infection.
Regularly the body has the intrinsic capacity to
proficiently process and expel these waste materials, including the vitiated
doshas. Notwithstanding, because of one's rehashed dietary careless activities,
poor exercise examples, way of life, and hereditary inclination, the stomach
related chemicals, metabolic co-variables, hormones, and agnis which manage the
body's inner homeostasis wind up disarranged. This can prompt the amassing and
spread of poisons all through the physiology bringing about illness . This waste
issue is called ama in Ayurveda.
- It promotes healing, purification and rejuvenation.
removes excessPanchkarma , corrects imbalances and eliminate the harmful Aama out ofdoshas through the body’s own organs and pores of elimination (colon, lungs, bladder, urinary tract, stomach, intestine etc.).year system - Panchakarma purifies the tissues (cells) at a very deep level.
Panchakarma – Five procedures
- Vaman – Emesis – Induced vomiting
– Purgation – InducedVirechan laxation – Medicated Enemas of decoction or oilsBasti – Nasal meditationNasya - Rakta Mokshan–
Blood letting
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